
Take advantage of us. Please.

When we have a special at Collectic Home, it is really "special". In addition to great prices on discontinued, close-out and floor sample merchandise you'll find all year at Collectic Home, we have discount programs that are uniquely advantageous for regular shoppers with us.

The Collectic Home Referral Program

Simple. Effective. Profitable for you: comfortable for your clients.

You have clients that are leveraging your professional assistance and experience to bring them success. By utilizing your know-how, they’re acknowledging they respect what you do. And, they listen to your advice.

If they ask you about new home furnishings, you have an answer.

By referring your clientele to Austin’s Collectic Home, you’re assured of sending them in the right direction––to find extraordinary customer service, stellar selection––and of course furniture, lighting, and accessories in what’s been lauded as one of the most beautiful new stores in America.

Here’s how the program works:

In return for your referral, Collectic Home will credit a special Referral Program (RePro) account, set up in your name, with 2% (two percent) of all purchases attributed to your clients who bring in your business card with their initial purchase. Your RePro account funds are available for you to spend at Collectic Home the same as an in-store credit; the program is subject to change pursuant to our terms of sale in effect at the time.

It doesn’t get more comfortable than this!